House Quiz

Which Orenda Academy House Are You In?


Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to Orenda Academy of Magical Creatures! Only one questions remains… what House are you in, Fire, Water, Earth, or Air?

What is your biggest flaw?

You’re too passive and nice.
You can be a bit ruthless in achieving your goals.
You’re careless and easily distracted… oh, look, a butterfly!
You’re very set in your ways and not very open-minded.

How well do you handle change?

It takes a moment, but you can adapt to anything with enough time.
It’s okay. You’ll live with it, to get what you want.
You LOVE change. Life gets boring if there’s nothing to shake it up.
You HATE change. You like things to stay as they are.

You learn a friend has betrayed you. Do you:

Confront them immediately. How dare they!
See things from their point of view.
Don’t bring it up, but never trust them again.
Figure out a way to get back at them secretly. Karma!

The enemy has declared war! What do you do?

Attack first. They want a war, they’re gonna get one!
See if negotiations can be made.
Surrender. It isn’t worth losing lives.
Become a spy and infiltrate from the inside.

What’s life about?

Having fun!
Going after your dreams.
Learning and discovering new things for the next generation.
Carrying on old traditions.

How would you win over your crush?

Be direct. Just ask them out, already!
Hide your feelings until you know they feel the same, but keep doing sweet things for them in private.
Over-the-top big gestures, like presents and poems.
Wait for them to ask you out, and stay in the friendzone.

What’s your greatest strength?

You’re passionate and devoted.
You rely on intelligence and knowledge.
You’re always optimistic and are open to new experiences.
You’re loyal.

How spiritual are you?

I could take it or leave it. It’s important, but not everything to me.
I’m not spiritual at all.
I believe, but I think some things need to be changed.
I’m very spiritual. My religion influences everything I do.

A friend is going through a rough time. Do you:

Take them out to distract them, and have some fun!
Give a pep talk. Motivate them to be strong and move forward.
Investigate how best to cheer them up, then take action.
Sit and listen, but don’t give advice.

Finally… what element do you most identify with?


All 10 questions completed!

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Which Orenda Academy House Are You In?

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